I laughed a little bit at the end. I dug the flute thing though. Overall, I'm giving this only 41 thumbs up.
XD @ raw king. But he does have a point. Genres would be better for a poll, and you could certainly add more options.
Thanks for sharing. Did you have anything else to tell us? perhaps share an idea, of whatnot?
Sofar as I can tell, turrets are the only things on sandtrap that can 'defy' gravity by sticking to an elephant the reasons are thus: 1: The...
Try making the respawn areas bigger, or making multiple respawn areas for a team. This should work, but Bungie's spawn system makes me cry and...
Yeah, when TXGhost was helping us test, he said he made something like that. But I guess brilliant minds think alike. I don't know how his map...
Re: Gesuido I dug this map. It was hard at first for me to grab shotgun, but meh. I think that this could easily have been a map that bungie...
plasma pistol is infinite win in Halo 3. It does SO MUCH. That is why you can only build 8 on a map in forge.
I think that blocking off the map is critical for a maps success. Even if you inform the people in the party about the areas where it is possible...
Re: BAR FIGHT v2 (Interactive Lobby/ Machinima/ Cops and Robbers) WITH PICS! What is the purpose of the large structure in the last screenshot? I...
I would love to see one of them in mass production. If it functions as a laptop too, I know where my summer job's earnings would be going :D
I wonder... This could be useful if you could put turrets on the sides of the elephant, or in the "mouth" where the mongooses are... It would...
That merged box in the first picture really had me stumped for a while. But it looks good. How often does the Sentinel beam spawn? It is a very...
I'm gonna go with the flow here and say that looks very competent. I would have loved to hear the quality of the voice acting, but from what I can...
I'm glad to see that my map is going through it's second revival... more than a month after I posted it. I may be looking a gift horse in the...
I voted for both. I think that this is kindov stupid, though, seeing as they are both like, fighters, as opposed to politicians, and one of them...
You can turn invisible, and throw things. Kindof ninja ish.
Ahahahahaha ahahaha haha ha. The whitest kids u know seem to be consistently funny. All the time. mad propz for enlightening me.
Haha, oh wow. My neck would hurt so much after all of that movement that they do. *makes note to show asian friends*
Bioshock. YOU CAN SHOOT BEES. OUT OF YOUR HAND. What more is there to want.