Its OK. I just gave it to Blaze. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share A link to my fileshare. DL the map so I can take it off my fileshare. Tell me when you...
When do you think they will be ready?
I DLed and played this with my friends. I was very impressed with the mix of vehicle and hand to hand combat. Everyone in the party was...
The last pic was very funny and the map looks great. I am loving your execution of creating a map with both vehicle and hand to hand combat. In...
P.S. I saw the link below that SpaceNeil posted below. Does Martyrdom use the budget glitch? I think it would be nice for that to be in MM.
Just uploaded High Voltage to #6 of my fileshare. Your main responsability this week is to edit the bridges/mancannons work every time and ALWASE...
Take as long as you need but please make it as short as possable. No hurry.
OMG I have to finish my nonbudget glitched Avalanche map! Thanks man nice find! You deserved rep!
I'll put the new map on my fileshare at about 9:00 today. Give it back to Friday or something. We'll descuss it when the time comes. I'll send...
What is Fable 2 about?
How about that sketch up? Yes or no?
Yo Wats up???????????????
In your post, you said you didn't like naked people because you are a christian! I loved playing this map. When the game was over a lot of...
Will you be on later like about 7:30? I want to show you High Voltage.
Could you make me a sketch of what the layout is going to look like using photoshop or something? If you do than I can give you credit for...
You think its feature worthy?
So what is your minigame idea?
Same. I remember playing Vallhalla for the first time at my friends house. I had no idea what halo 3 (or any of the past halo games) were...
Since you weren't working on High Voltage and I was bored I did some more stuff to it. Yesterday I was working on it with Cosmic Rick in the...