Drawing cat feet is hard :(
Get a stew going.
No... and I bet my inventory has been reset again! No exaggeration, I had 3 iron stacks (at least), plenty of gold, lapis and diamonds. The worst...
It must be nice to know what you want to do and where you want to do it.
I usually don't do homework and scrape by using my wasted talent, but I guess there are different schools of thought.
So Tusk, how was your day?
If we ever hang out and someone insults you, you get one free "Shuman-tries-to-defend Chuck's-honour-with-fighting, fails miserably".
I've had the FFI Wikipage bookmarked for a few months now, between Proprioception and List of cognitive biases.
Hereditary genetic diseases are the worst. FFI kills you by making your brain unable to sleep.
Words/ concepts QKT won't understand: Circular logic Self-validating logic Rhetoric Averages Yeah, I guess Nolan likes recycling names.
Literally everything you just said is erroneous. Since when is sarge trying to "help me with my social life". Sarge was telling me how to have...
YouTube - Crystal Castles - Crimewave
I've heard of the Crystal Castles, I did not know the name of their lead singer. Or any band's musicians really.
Who? And QKT has the tiny, Vietnamese balls to call me a hipster.
Shanon isn't a hipster and I'm a little embarrassed for you right now.
Because the format is stagnant. How many more years and versions is it going to take before you stop buying it. Pokemon Brown and Cyan? If the...
Everything is a joke. Sure, HPM is an openly racist moron, but there's no reason to get sensitive, sentimental and superstitious just because a...
Hey guys, remember 2001? YouTube - Linkin Park - In The End (Video) Edit: Oh of course. Youtube...
I want everything to be spread out. That whole area you levelled out should be furnished with plants and attached to the building. Otherwise it's...
That reminds me, I want to build a bridge in Minecraft. So you don't like Golden Sun or Advanced Wars? (Edit: We can call it "The Bridge of...