No seriously shuman, I won't die this time, I've learnt to be careful around lava. YouTube - Darth Vader Burns
YouTube - Metro, We'll Die For You This is what Tusk does.
If you lost that 34 Iron, 10 gold and 12 Diamonds I gave you, I may never give you anything ever again. First my house-warming pumpkin, now this?...
PLUG-INS: - CraftBukkit - GroupManager - iConomy - WorldEdit - WorldGuard - LWC - SignTrader - Essentials - GuestPrev - NoCheat -...
RULES: 1. Use common sense and make logical decisons. 2. No griefing of any sort *Punishable by GTFO*. 3. No Nagging Admin/Mods for items and...
Very much so. Have you tried logging onto the site?
I submitted, it accepted. I got the email seconds later.
You get accepted automatically, right?
You know on the GoO server, there's an apartment that both Tusk and I live in, and there's exactly ONE room left...
YouTube - Childish Gambino - Lights Turned On Rap can be good.
It wasn't my- fault.
Shanon and I like skipping around and singing together.
You're jealous of a kid with autism?
I usually just admonish them for forcing another person to exist, then tell them that they're putting extra strain on the world's resources and...
You know, I always thought you were being a little paranoid, but you were right. Association with me on Minecraft was a bad idea. There's a...
"You need to get that omelette out of the pan buddy" My best pregnancy advice yet.
I obviously wasn't going to come into the PPC without saying hello. I mean, it's the PPC for foozles sakes!
A very much doubt those statistics are accurate. Some are even self reported.
aM laboratory I love tusk.
Are you calling me an amphibian!