i would like more screenshots, like of the inside.
Man...I love how you did the center. It a masterpiece!!!
Wow...I have seen some skate parks, but this one is quite good. for a skate park i would say 5/5.
Man...The kinds of house thing people come up with these days. Pretty cool.
lol, this is a really good bumper cars stage. I like where you put the mancannons. pherhaps you should have put mancannons in the corners of the...
I like the roof for the house, 3/5
Really great forging. You dont see much really well forged avalanche maps these days...Too much foundry.. D:
There really should be a ceiling...
The pictures arent working for me! :(. O well sounds cool.
The forging is so neat. And i really, really love the screenshots.
I really loved the dark hunting stuff of foundry. So this is a big 5/5 for me. I also really like your sniper area. Its very unique and i liked...
Very cool. Kinda like a hardcore bumper cars match.
I really like these kinds of maps. The kind that looks normal on the outside, but on the inside is a battling zone. 4/5.
Hmmm....I never thought of doing this. You are a very creative person...
I really like the idea for the map. I also think it was a good idea to make it a king of the hill map.
I feel the forging for them map could be a bit better, better it is honestly a great idea for a map. Im new to forghub to and hoping to post some...
I really like this idea as an infection map. I was thinking of making one like this, but didnt know how to make it...Great job.
Omg, im new to forgehug, and this is one of the first maps ive seen...But i can tell this will be the best foundry map i ever see.... 5/5