Its very unique that you made a racing map on garudian. But its a little slow...You are suposed to go fast in a race...
Very creative. I love the bumps at one of the parts. Very nice.
Man...I love how smooth these avalanche racing maps are...Very nice.
very good remake.
Looks worth downloading. My friends would probably like it
Great forging job. Looks very MLG
Looks to much like a map bungie uses... |:<
Hmm...I really like the center area. Looks great for team slayer.
Pretty nice map, great forging job.
Well, this map looks really great for a good game of CTF. Keep up the great work.
Well...I gotta say..for an MLG map, its the best ive seen on sandbox so far...
This looks very nice, wonder what gameplay on it would be like...
Lol, good idea, and very neat forging. 4/5
Well, you dont see alot of blackout maps around, so pretty cool.
Very, very cool i like the use of pallets and that stuff...
Kinda good, but the border on the side is not that neat.
Very nice and neat. Love the kill Ball in the middle.
Center is very cool looking. Looks like lots of action would happen there...
Forging could be better, but i like it.
I dont really get this? So you always spawn in that box? Isnt it a bit easy to spawn kill or something? seems a tad tiny....