Fair enough lol, although it was a joke. Just so you know, I actually think women deserve equal rights to men, and porn is wrong in my opinion....
I have a movie recomendation for you and Dman. Black Sheep. Its a New Zealand movie. Its a horror. Rip it off the Internet now.
Well I had unlocked the Hayahusa armor set. But my xbox got RROD and when I got it back and plugged in the hard drive again my hayahusa was gone...
Come to the shoutbox get Charles to come too. He can show you how to work it. I'm on my iPod I don't have skype.
I didn't have security or katana before the update as I dont have all the old achievements. But when I got some of the new ones, it brought my...
I have no idea what you're talking about :'D
What are you talking about? I didn't picture nothin?
What's the password to Sharyn's photobucket?
THAT *****. oh shi-
lol I just checked the weiner thread Toochie had reposted the nakey pic a few pages back, I checked the url and its MY photobucket!?? I deleted...
But I deleted it off my photobucket. D;
haha yeah I guess >.< I actually deleted it off my photobucket.. I don't know how people are posting it again.. (the original one)
lol its just everyone shopping that picture I don't want it to get out of hand lol >.<
does it Really be Shanaynay?
You're back?
Its a heart <3 have one.
That looks baddass. Although the bit where she gets dragged away at the end was rather cheesy lol ;D
Get it? cause you're like... a tool?