Cool map 5/5 DLing now. .... XD I was lyk omg a mp bg Lockdown. Then I was like hmmmm maybe he should stay in the graphics and arts...
New hair is much better
new avatar
Guys shutup, he's completely legit. You can trust him. He's just trying to make a living. Give him a break :D
EXACT same thing happened to me. Just send it away. Takes about a month to get back. You don't have to send away your hard drive so your maps...
Dude. Forge Wars. Although it can only be played in Forge mode. So the player limit is...
By the way. Back off ****, she's mine.
I keep expecting your sig to move. It looks like a GIF lol :D Its a nice sig by the way.
On forgehub but not skype, you're a horrible person.
UPDATE: Gunslinger's sandwich added.
This video covers a few reasons why she would not be a good political leader: It may seem offensive...
I know you know. Because you're cool like that right? Gtg I'll try be back soon but might not be able to.
I knooooooow gawsh I said jkjk. how would I forget that.
You think I look like a sandwich? D: Jkjk. Well this visitor message made me think of you back.
Damn that would be fun. You could have the game keep going until one side is completely wiped out. A very interesting concept. I dont know how it...
I love you.
Change your font and colour
They are both wrong. He is correct. Only modded gametypes allow instant respawn. And if I were you I'd stay away from the modded gametypes lol,...
Wow at this massive discovery =/ ....
What are you trying to say?