I believe that music does indeed affect your mood alot. If you listen to metal or rap you can feel more violent etc. There were studies in...
Hahaha your rep says Yomtvraps is out of the mud. How appropriate.
what about it?
Oooooh.. This is perfect. :] I have an infection game I've been working on that I plan on releasing soon. I can enter it in this competition can...
Thesilencebroken's gamertag is "thesilencebroken" incase you didnt catch it :] Welcome back by the way.. Stick around.
Dude dont worry what these fos be saying about Interlocking and Geo Merging. Its a great map. The layout and gameplay setup is really well...
I can't tell if he's advertising or genuinely excited and wanting to share a great experience with us. His post count makes me suspicious. But...
This is a Graboid (from the movie Tremors, of which the classic mini game is based): [IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG] P.S That looks like a very helpfull...
The ForgeHub staff are great. Would y'all like it if FH turned out like B.net? That place is just anarchy, extreme spam, endless cross...
Whooaaaaaaaaaa Gratz brother ='] I'm scared now..
Yeah dude, just take screenshots, download them off your Bungie service record, then host them on photobucket and put them into your map post.
Hey dude, I held some customs the other day. We played Battle Mound, twas rather fun. Your forging has come a fair way since then ;]
Dude, you know you can play WoW for free on private servers right?
Most people do.
No U. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uf-CI4i5lPc
They should have waited until the 23rd ;] Gratz, blue looks so much sexier
Now you're colour co-ordinated =] Grats. I think you'll do a great job
Its only swearing if it's without reason/they don't deserve swearing at. You guys are a little off topic. Personally, I think the staff are...
What do you do for work?