Did you have sex with the girl in your avatar?
That's true.. It was just an example, leave me alone :D haha.
It just spices it up a bit... adds a bit of flavour yakno? =] GOtta have a little more craziness
Same thing happened to me. Just send it in for repair. I know it costs but its the best option in my opinion. They renew your warranty too.
Read the original post lol Honour Rules Ofcourse.. there are some little rules... * Hijacking of the Tremor is prohibited and will result in the...
The most epic Rick Roll ever amirite? Or amiwrong?
Try using the forge item FX to reduce glare, thats the only solution I can think of other than using a video
Awhh thanks :] Have you decided on any Gamertags yet? <3
Haha innocent mistake :] But yah. Although you dont lose EXP your total games played increases, so if people feel like it they can see if you...
That's how its supposed to be dude. XD You can only lose EXP from quitting games ( 2Exp penalty ). Losing a game will never subtract from your...
Haha nawh that's not you. I think it could be one of the Vorpals haha. Thanks mate, happy you like it. I'm just glad and hope that everyone...
Change your avatar too ;]
Thats ok =] On that side note.. whaaat?? D; But but but I am already making other Tremor n' Mouse maps that I am gonna release
I'm at school lol. I will when I get home. In about 3 and a half hours.. Hows are ya? Hows that video eh? :]
Would you recommend changing it and re uploading it to my file share?
I have posted Tremor n' Mouse in the mini games section. I just thought I would.. Notify you incase you were interested :D Well done on Red by...
Dont anyone dare say more interlocking. Hi there dude, welcome to ForgeHub. Very nice looking map you got here. Pretty impressive, considering...
Such high standards Linu. And yah its good. His current sig is definately in need of a makeover :] no offence Linu.