That's what she said.
I love the big ones. They make me feel good deep inside
Haha I know right? I don't know why.. x] I'm using my iPod, somehow I'm just flopping out the big ones.
I dont really know wether or not it should get its own playlist.. It is already played frequently enough in social slayer, and I think I would get...
Australia makes good peanut butter.
Dayum son what kinda sandwich you got there?
Please don't double post. In future please just edit your original visitor message. You're a Loyal member. I expect better from you >;D <3 You...
yeah. Make it happen. Chop chop
That's cool. It should still show Green or Red though I reckon. Suggest it in the pub or something?
Ooooh Purple :] congratulations my friend. You have/are done/doing amazing things for FH and I do believe you to be fully deserving of this...
Thanks for the grey rep :P I dont understand this new system. But I'm glad they've done something about it. Sounds like they've removed rep...
SquidHands. I've been meaning to get around to thinking about posting on this since you released it. I like this map with an intense passion...
Duuuuuude congrats. You deserved it very much so. *Cyberhug*
Your sig... I can't remember what the thread was about anymore.. I love that song too. YouTube - Destination
Looool What the ****ballzorz!? :'D That is win. You shall do great things. Congratulations. I would hug you if we were IRL
Oh ok. I have 7 classes a day then finish at 3:15. Metal work learning to interlock? I'm quite sleepy all of a sudden :Z good sir good night I...
10 Hours??! Dayum wh's that? my school day is only 6 hours long..
Ohh hey. School tomorrow... Super.. -__-
In about 20 hours?
Link link link link link link? That sounds so epic :'D Some one (Vorpal Saint I think) Told me about that. I wish I could have been there. Have...