In the markets? with the Bee Nectar, Distilled Water and Wine or something? yeah, that was the hardest part...
I have to say, I hope it's a tad harder than the last one, I beat that in less than twelve hours and managed to pretend that it wasn't the game I...
I believe you meant I lovve it here lolz Well, your president and our (old) Prime minister were but buddies, so we're kinda ****ed too...
Dude, one of our dollars sixty of your cents...
Because then I'd be in America!!!!1
lolz I wish...
I'm basically just making stuff that connects all the random crap you made together...
Lolz <3 I remember watching you and Lights from right when I joined (around the time you released Curvature) and just being amazed, look how far...
haven't done it yet, it's on Thursday...
1. IT WAS HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!1 2. I got it, not sure what I'm going to do yet, but I got it...
*locked by request*
Put it up whenever
I know that he could've played the maps, he just referred to them as "back in his day" which is not true.
I'm just pointing out that he hadn't joined when all he was talking about was happening, it was way before his (and even my) time.
You joined in June... they started forging in December the year before...
Rules: 1. Must has a mic 2. must be awesome
*sadfaic* I'd really like to see it implemented, premium just isn't as special as it was back when I wasn't coloured, now it's a bit too easy to...
Ah, I see how it is all tied together, good to know =]