Even though I suck bawls at haylo, I wouldn't mind letting you scrimmage against me for your tourney... More practice the merrier
Kalahari d00d. Kalahari. **** will be so cash.
Yo /b/rotha I'm taking off Friday and I'm going on vacation to cheeseland.
Each section of my post was originally used in a previous post written by myself. I copy certain sections of older posts that apply to the...
I'd like to start off by welcoming you to our fine community. To begin with, there are rules and guidelines of posting a map that which will give...
I'm not really that big of a fan of MLG but, how long do you guys think it will take till the official version meets my custom title? They'll...
You're like Forest Gump's little /b/rother.
Lame Story, Troll.
"Failure to post your map correctly will result in a topic lock after 1 hour in the absence of a fix." If you still are confused on what you did...