Grif is a rich porn.
same ****
Let's see it's 12:48 and I should be sleeping, which I am about to do right now. So no dude. Don't you have school dude or did you say you're...
Get your ass on haylo nao
Socratic Method The Cellars Terminal Fraction Plunder
baww how cute now stick sharpie in her pooper.
***** get your ***** ass on haylo pl0x
lul Scobra this is just as retarded as the gif of you eating chicken wing. This also reminds me of Zombieland, due to you eating a twinkie.
I understand dude, I'd like to see the film clip if anything. PM me with the link to the clip, I'll watch it, and take action from there.
If you can provide viable proof that you've been working on it with the other people mentioned and the map is truly yours, I'll take action.
Go ahead dude, as long as they're legit posts deemed worthy of an infraction/warning. You're merely helping out the site, yet there isn't much...
I heard you like reporting posts.
And I don't care to answer.
In my case, no.
It seems to me like you're talking out your ass. I didn't take it offensively, I particuarly found your statement to me to be quite idiotic. On...
Quit making assumptions. I've never given out one single perrm infraction.
This is the finished maps section. Halo Forge Discussion is where threads like these belong, for discussion about unfinished maps or maps not...
Nothing much really.... I barely have played xbox as of lately, it's gotten quite boring imo.. I'll be going on vacation starting Friday, I have...
I could of sworn I told you already, well I guess not. My friend Lock made it for me.