Hey dude welcome back. You've been gone for foreeeeverrr.
Well, I can't stand seeing Halo related threads in Off Topic and General Chat. These forums aren't for the discussion of Halo, Halo Discussion is,...
I've been alright I was sick for the past three weeks, got a drum set, been playin the **** out of that, I've barely played xbox at all, and I...
Hey dude.
rusty beagle
***** my name doesn't have that many numbers
Mine has been collecting dust for forever...I'd like to stream ****.
I couldn't get that **** to even show the video.
What kind of capture card do you have?
Don't worry guy if you really want to be like all the cool guise, I got one cause I could really care less about it.
FACEPALM. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-discussion/90856-halo-map-remakes.html
We have a video section and that's where it will be moved.
*Moved to Halo Discussion*
From what I remember the Home button was the very first button on Old School and it was to the far left on the left of User CP.
I don't want any thing to be changed, just the home button back if it's possible.
When is there ever going to be a home button for old school?
Proud owner of a pen0r.
What's up hombre?