Yeah, ****'s amazing. I got xbl and a new mic also too.
So much for an invite...
Dude did you get MW2?
Get your xbox back yet?
thanks for inviting me to your xbl party.......
Is there tgif this week? If so when will the host signups be posted dude?
I didn't pay a dime for it. I traded some games in.
lol I got me some COK: MW2
It's k.
I'm not friends with any one with that ridiculous of a gamertag.
All I did was typed in White PSP 2000 in Google....
like this? [img]
My post had everything to do with antagonizing you bout Macdonalds.
Sweet dude. I'm happy for you. It only took several months of waiting n flippin burgers to get a new singer. :D
yeah **** is so cash I've been playin it everyday... Sweet maybe if you guys release your **** I'll buy it
nothing much brew I got me a drum set.
Hey dude, do you have skype?
Hey Mastar <3
Dude was it easy for you to get into Columbia? From what I can tell it looks pretty easy.