I can has links?
Posted here for those who want to see my response, as Brute Captain refuses to have anything that "makes him look bad" on his public messages....
"But, Iwon't argue this with you again. Yellow out." Hypocreeeeeeeeeeet. You seriously think that by you suddenly claiming to be laughing at...
Domi Boy: 3 Brute Captain: 0 Try to make amends my pointing out how pointless this argument is is a nice gesture, but it doesn't work if you're...
Biased towards myself and my opinions, not biased against my feelings toward other users. One word = Two meanings, bub. :D ""Please note...
Recieved Reputation. Bayonetwork; from The Yellow: "I swaer, I dont mean to, but Dom is trying to make me look bad now, i dont know what to do."...
"I didn't even know that Dom's forge thread existed. Then someone pointed it out to me. Thanks so much for putting his unintelligent comments into...
Care to elaborate? Did Domi hurt your feelings, sweetie? ;)
From clinically a medical point of view, good friend. ; )
He's right, you should get that checked out.
I'm glad you had a good time, but now for some important business Good Sir! That beta map you had me download is fantastic for casual-competitive...
Excuse me, Sir. How was Japan?
Nemi for Loyal '08.
Tan is indeed FTW, good Sir.
Sounds like you're enjoying your job. And yes. This profile could indeed use moar red.