Dude, are you like perma-warned or something? >__>
Lulz. You gotta register with the email and alla that junk methinks. Oh and hai thar.
Corduroy CHUCK? [IMG]
Spot the cool dude. I've played on it a few times when I snuck into your games, and game play lacks to be perfectly honest. I love your...
Sarge, he wants you do slap him. waitwut
Oh my Serge, what the witty devil you are! /obnoxious laugh
Oh, hey Nev! Shock wouldn't know, but an epic war took place here not a few minutes ago; darn Sarge and his moderator abilities. >: (
"oi, did you try out the wep down thing? and LOL at the dumbass below me..." Yes Sarge, who in fact do you think you are Sir? :D
DQ is stalking you now? Run.
SargeantSarcasm: I own all of Britain [...
The 360 is my creative outlet, and GTA isn't exactly a canvas if you get what I'm saying.
You're mod again? ... 'grats?
[IMG] Dude. He was referring to my sig. ****ing lawl.
[IMG] What exactly to you mean by this...? >__>
Wtf. Someone isn't very friendly? I was giving you advice on how not to post and you call me a jerk? Nowhere was I rude, only the slightest bit...
I'm on Skype you retard.
What do you mean "add you"? And you're not Loyal, something is wrong here?! D:
I balanced it out, no one looks at rating anyway.
*Looks down*