: ( Opinions on the shoutbox?
Nipple. Oh, and Nemi and I talk on Skype all the time, lul.
Oh, right! Lol. I miss pokemons. :,(
I'm on vacation, can't really do that. This isn't even my laptop, haha. Something important you need?
Hey Chips, how are you doin'?
I di- what the- No! No, that was the ferret's brother! Nemi, you know that I'm good for my word? D,:
Er... thanks? I don't know my ****ing password, lolz.
This just looks like you butchered Bayonetwork up a bit... either that or this was greatly inspired by it; greatly. Lul. You should probably give...
Your name is much more pleasant to attempt to read with this darker layout, Sir. Then again, I've never been very good with those... "word" thingies.
Attack Pokemon. It's Microsoft, run. Lol? ... What?
Why won't you return my calls? :,(
inane some dude on the other team is banned wat i do
Oh, right! Yeah, sorry about that...
Nou. Bye bye, off for a much needed haricut. plz n thk u.
Nou. I get back Friday night, I'll make it.
Pssh, I don't play guitar for the women! I do it for the monies. Oh, and it's sort of fun.
Bah, you and your sneaky ways. Thx asper dood.
Eat what exactly? Lul. BTW nice profile backround, what did I start? :P
Lawl. What does a woman's hobby have to do with the quality of said woman? Your logic is based upon flaws, my good man.