My lil' boy be growin' up, I 'memba when ye wuzza jus promoted Loya. An' how. :,)
'Grats on Journo, I'm glad you haven't gone unnoticed. :D
Nemi... I'm not quite sure how to tell you this, but everything that you typed... That's what she said. I'm sorry.
I... er... wait, there's... um... *flies away quickly*
You had it right the last time dude, just quit trying so hard. Relax, you'll hit comedy once with practice. ... Perv.
I was assuming slow, painful death, but I like your choice better. Yeah, let's go with the misconception.
You aimed for funny and shot too high. Try again.
em jus naught redee for teh commitmants, mahn
Er... what happens if I say yes? *nervous*
Your name is John?! Wow. I expected, like, Tayfanda or something. But yeah, 'grats again.
oi vei it's always da lovin's wif u gaiz
wuts da rush, bub
Gud, gud. Coming home tomorrow evening. :O
Nofuckyou. Oh wait, wrong person. I thought you were Brittney Spears for a second there, I mean woah.
Chips! How ****ing dare you, I wanted first! 'Grats man. :)
Lol, wtf? Inorite.
Hey! Look! Start loving me now!
Gar. You fail. Check the MS Paint thread.
Escuz me.