The patch is only for 360, seeing as how it is two patches that the PC already has. Yes, I cannot wait for this and I saw that chart. Tanks every...
I will get on in just a second, I'm eating lunch.
Do you either of you guys try to straighten up real quick whenever someone else walks into the room? I almost always do, because I know I look...
Ok, I'm getting on.
Accept my chat invite.
Whenever I'm at the computer I often find myself in the weirdest positions. Sometimes my legs are over the armrest, sometimes I'm curled up tight,...
I'm sure you will like this.
Here are some excerpts from a review of the multiplayer, plus some spectacular news that I'm sure we've all been waiting for. And now for the...
I know, I want to know what kind of fighting style they will bring to the gameplay. It looked like they had melee weapons o.O
Here is an awesome video detailing some of the environments you will see in the game, as well as explain EDF control and RF morale.
I'll probably beat it on that difficulty to eventually, but for my first playthrough and for whenever I just wanna mess around I will play on easy.
I'm pretty sure that hard is the toughest difficulty at start, but after beating the game on any difficulty you unlock insane mode which is the...
Yeah! They took two hammer hits! That's intense. Also, this game looks hard! I'll probably be playing on easy most of the time, lol.
Man, that Nano Rifle looks awesome! Every vid I see of this game just gets me more excited.
Can you play with four people on the same console? I don't think you can, but I could be wrong. Oh, also, on your discussion of the AI director...
I absolutely love RE5, but I fail to see how you think it would last longer. After beating the campaign, there are two things left you can do:...
First of all, as far as I know each game only allows two people on the same console to play at a time. I know it is like this in L4D, but I could...
I guarantee you that over half of the elementary schools in America do not go over this stuff. I swear I cannot remember even a hint of some of...
Um, when he can play most of the song so well and even accurately hit that one key so fast with 3 separate fingers, I think we can let it slide ;)