Also, here's the Ostrich Hammer video we were talking about. Prepare to laugh. YouTube - Red Faction Guerrilla Dev Diary Ostrich Hammer
Your GF is noice.
Here it is nurd, found it in like 10 seconds, lol.
I would never buy them, but those are some badass guitars.
Yeah, but no major improvements like you said. Also, the RB2 peripherals actually had a larger failure rate than the RB1 set.
Just open a tab of each one and place them in roughly the same place along the page.
Why would you assume that? Rock Band 2 is practically a carbon copy of the first.
That's exactly what people said about Rock Band 1 as well.
I said that, but it has since been fixed.
It's not my clan, I'm just a part of it. As much as I love RFG, I'd like it if we could keep the discussion in this thread about my signature.
I'm fairly positive that it has clan support on all systems. I talked to Volition themselves and I believe that's what they said.
Here's my latest piece of work: [IMG] RFU stands for Red Faction Underground, a community clan for the upcoming game Red Faction Guerrilla. CnC...
I agree. While EA is still short sighted, they are making some progress and picking up new IPs.
Band Hero has not been confirmed and there is no solid proof of its existence. Many have speculated, and a Harmonix employee mentioned it in a...
I think Volition has done a good job of allowing the player to play however they want. I know I'll probably go through the first time and just...
In all fairness, they do release somewhere around 3-5 new tracks every week. But, it still holds true that they are essentially the same thing.
Blockbuster will be out of business soon. I recommend Gamefly.
Don't condemn the games, condemn the developers and publishers.
Those sales are based off the sales of Guitar Hero III. Compare them to other run-of-the-mill games, and these things sell like hot cakes. They...