In case you all didn't notice, this is ****ing Sly Cooper 4.
2 hour 24 season finale tonight. This Monday is pretty sweet.
[IMG] ...Yes.
Sacboy, I think.
PowerThirst is nowhere near as good as Grifaid.
No problem, I've seen it many times before.
No, there's no video. I'm assuming Laxer just knows the video already, like most other people.
That's a common misconception. Proper weightlifting will not stunt your growth.
It doesn't matter if it helps your self-esteem or not, if you want to get bigger you need to work out and take in more carbs. Also, look at your...
You need to work out other parts of your body, especially your core muscles. Core muscles will give you balance, increase power, and help you...
Let's hope so. Looks like a good game.
Also, did you see my post on what the multiplayer demo will have?
If you're looking for people to play with, I'm a member of a clan for the game, and we are gaining members fast. If you wanna know more, just PM...
Dude, I know. I saw those yesterday and it blew my mind! Did you see the Singularity Bomb Bloopers? It was hilarious!
Some extra news! Multiplayer demo: 2 maps, 9 weapons, 5 backpacks, and the gametype is Damage Control. All this is released on May 21. Only one...
This is something entirely different from the beta. There were mixed feelings on the beta. Alot of people loved it, and alot of people thought it...
Yeah I found those. I'm too busy to link you to it, but check out Gametrailers. They have a new Dev Diary out.
Yo Grif! Can you tell me, is it against the rules to advertise for a clan site dedicated to a game other than Halo 3?
Private matches!? Just what the demo was missing! Thanks for the video, and yes, the demo is very good.
I know I already mentioned this, but yesterday the Multiplayer Demo for Red Faction was confirmed! There's no date yet, but I can't wait!