To be fair, I think LOCK was referring to innovative titles in this generation. There are far less, mostly because things have been done before,...
The main issue they had with the game was story and voice acting. Not only has anyone experienced these "problems," but most people don't care...
Well, reviews are rolling in, and they are all looking great. EDIT: And yes, some IGN reviewers are pretty harsh when it comes to games.
Search Youtube for videos of how to play songs. I'll post some songs with different techniques that will give you some of the basics. Piano is...
Aw, no big finish? Oh well. That was actually pretty decent. The only part I was unsure on was the verses with that little guitar screech, but...
I haven't seen any reviews other than this one. Links?
YouTube - Mime
V1 is much better.
I glimpsed at your avatar for just a second and had to do a double take. I thought it was a ***** at first.
Nah, I think you've just lost your magic touch and now you suck.
How the hell did you afford Photoshop after spending that money on the PS3?
I posted this just over a year ago in Off Topic. First thread I ever made.
You can do that with any number you want. I used to do that, and I would find alot of ways I could bend numbers to equal 23. Then I thought, for...
Why didn't you get on?
Not as old as the Single Player build, but still maybe a month's worth of bug fixes and polishing.
Well, I spend alot of time around their official forums and know more about the game than the average person. I really want the game to do well,...
I'm not sure what you mean. You just hold down LB and you go up. You can do it multiple times and land on a higher point in the map every time and...
If your location didn't say Illinois, I would think you went to my school district.
Your name sucks.
Only two more days...