Is that... a Jonas Brothers poster on his back wall? Oh god... I think it is...
This is forgehub, you can't avoid these things.
I can definitely understand that point. It would be flat out dumb for me to not know why anyone would dislike Halo. I bet their are hundreds of...
This child has just made me spit my vanilla pudding all over my keyboard.
Telrad, I'm not sure who wrote that little snippet you quoted, but they are obviously trying to sound more sophisticated and smart than they...
1.Completely relevant. Why would you be on this site if did not like the game at one point or another? 2. 100% opinion 3. Infantry-vehicle...
All of you people calling Halo 3 'sub-par' and things similar to that need to consider few things... 1. You are on a Halo 3 website 2. Hundreds...
Happy Birfday dood
I don't know why I read that as RF2. My B.