i will sit here and laugh. awww sheet i already am.
probably just an easter egg.
so dead.
old egg as in period. Edited by merge: someone buy me this Edited by merge: this game is good [IMG]
hmmmm, but i dont really enjoy blops. are you willing to mw2?
i totally had the underwater batman that was teal and white and black
apparently, the credit card details were encrypted even though they're taken.
slow day?
so apparently title.
stop OTing before i report.
lol if your tv is hd then dont bother with component!
we may need a pic of the back of your bawks
i keep passing up the chance to get king of limbs. where does it fare on a scale of their albums?
do you do math with rice?
dont worry guy, just an informative point. a dilemma is where you can't decide between one thing or another. hence 'di'lemma
kind of cool story, bro.
i just hope i get some kind of free stuff out of this xD personal details schmetails, what i have on my psn is not enough to id fraud me