lol code FHRPG?
Looking good dude. Only one issue: when talking about breaks you confused adelyss with cartographer
No it's not turn based it's the style of gameplay where you may see the animation of a swing that looks like a hit but a defense rating blocks it....
Zzzzz boredom
Have you ever played kotor or baldurs gate or diablo ll or anything? The combat style is similar to the where you pick an attack and it dice...
u gettin on?
It's quite unfortunate you weren't able to finish you were doing so well. It's never a good idea to completely delete the items on default...
G04 is banned, he will not be added.
Why'd you need Insanes permission :S Also, I'd say the blue is closer to this, but still a bit darker. We need a better color pallet listing.
Rusty Bagels
Yeah I definitely don't recommend anybody with an iPod or a 3G to upgrade. The features aren't that great (personally I liked pages better than...
I kinda wanna it possible?
Yeah, meh on iOS4 for people with 3G
Eh whatevs. This FHRPG thing isn't working. For what ever reason running the library files doesn't do anything.
Forge Battle #3 in one game bitches! /advertisement
Was pwnin Forgebattles Space Invaders charts
Why no skyples
nutting happens when I run the library files. Allow publisher and kaput, noting.
Yeah it was a blast dude, great game. You should link me to FHF