planning on being banned?
Deserving premi is deserving
[IMG] Sentinel Created By: Vyctoriouz & The Sir Toppum Hat Recommended Players: 2-6 Recommended Gametypes: Slayer, Oddball, Territories...
Sentinel soon, don't really need a banner though
Money iz gud tho
Lolcayke I r tired moar tired than shadoooooo
i m pro
Hey, can you get on box?
Journos have been down to two guys for months...whens the last time you saw lights write an article? It's no big deal
Ahh, the problem is with the Stars..I will fix it TMR
Soso sad you couldn't finish completely :(
I was gona play some spec ops or multiplayer
You got offded :(
Thanks for all the submissions guys, looks like there could be some decent features outta these maps, even apart from the winner.
first time I've seen you on in forever
can't quite yet
Wow wow early day for you
WTF is this? Seriously? Frag Man I know you like to troll, but seriously..couldn't you have come in with a better argument than "what about...
Crazy like a shadow vipper