Bungie.net : Halo Reach : Multimedia The campaign trailer made me nauseous with anticipation
yeah it's okay I suppose.. you do know your profile pic says ***** right?
His account was made April 2009, he very well could have played it in the past. Edit: Using the search function directly in the minigame section...
sup with the dino dude?
lol, real congrats on premi
blue theorem.
Roche dusnt luv me
Well see when Reach launches
Easy? Anyone who still believes good maps are based solely on techniques is an idiot. Reach will just show who is more creative and who is a...
Your map tonight?
Noticed a negative, the items seem to be set in categories so you spend 1 item for the 100 or so category limit. Which is as small as 12 for the...
http://www.bungie.net/images/Games/Reach/images/screenshots/Forge_Bnet/Reach_ForgeworldObjects.jpg OMG just..omg at the size
Anyone else love their distortion map? Go Buddha!
All Forge discussion should be taken to the topic in Halo Reach discussion (shad0w's orders)
All Reach Forge-gasm should be had here. For those of you who haven't seen the live stream, some major stuff was announced. Outside of Blood...
Gratz dawgity
[IMG] Shipment Created By: MetaWaddleDee Recommended Players: 2-6 Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer, FFA Slayer, Oddball I know what...
Blackops will likely have a subscription fee so it should probably go very, very last (not to mention its a crappy treyarch crappy cod game)....