I really think this map look superb. It is so clean, the interlocking is flawless, you can hardly tell where one things ends and another begins. I...
I myself have actually gotten so used to this layout I will often find myself missing jumps in MM because I thought that there would be a complete...
Now that I think about it, what else could they possily add to Duble EXP that didn't suck? Grifball and Team Snipers and SWAT are cool, but now...
You didn't answer my question, when was the last time a MAP like a competitive or casual one was featured that didn't have interlocking. Point proven.
This is actually quite impressive. THis shows you have a very good forging ability, superior to many. The use of interlocking is excellent,...
I can't really understand why this map didn't fair so well. I mean, I was looking at it tonight and remembered all the awesome games, perhaps it...
Well, I don't think Furious will have to edit his map to the extent of Onslaught, ehw, but this map is mostly already been hammered to work out...
Ohh dude I really like the new pics. They really do the map more justice, it just provides a better overall representation.
I notcied that earlier.... but as for the map, I looked at it in forge and it actually was pretty well built and I enjoyed the layout.
It may not be a requirement, but when was the last time when a non interlocked map was featured? (anytime after interlocking was discovered of course)
Wow, yes, yes. I love comments like that, enthuiasm and brashness. An yes, I think Ghost Town is indeed hard to forge well on, but in my opinion...
Well basically, the best maps use interlocking, the worst maps generally don't Many people use interlocking, and then many people don't even know...
Well unless you want to put a sign up in your map saying "No teh mancannonz u n00bz", it looks like you only have what options have been stated. I...
Well I'm pretty sure this exact question was asked before, but to answer again.... Mogoose, just so much fun to ride around in.
I remember seeing this before it was done. Well, it was mostly done. It has a pretty solid look and layout, but I all want is really a little more...
Umm...... that is wuite an interesting hobby you have there...
Oh and something I might have left out of the description is that the big AB sign, you can actually go inside of it and climb to the top.
Thanks alot, But I have seen other great maps on Ghost Town, so branch out and try some other ones.
Thansk, I always like those paragraph long responses that are deep to the core....
Ummm this is a fantastic explanation of forge, just as useful as Furious's guide to spawns, but lol dude, you double posted in your own thread!