Asset Map Pack What is Asset? Asset is a 1-sided VIP game. In a 1-sided VIP game, one team will have a VIP, and the other will not. The ODST...
dude, when you get back you should see jakob hunter's map. It's sick and it's in the skybubble. I'll make a previw thread for the map tonight.
Naw, it's kay. I just didnt want of part of the guide leaked before it was even finished :P
.... I was going to give a preview of all the maps in one thread later today. :( Can you at least delete what you copied/pasted form the guide I...
why would you want to stay in there then?
I'll get it done sooner or later, I'm just waiting for 3 maps to show in total.
Confirmed to be an FPS. I'd actually like seeing 2 variants for the pistol in reach. Automag, and Halo CE magnum.
I probably wouldn't have been able to see it without VISR. Soooo... did you die?
I didn't get an email, but I think I did get into the preview. Just received an update on the console saying something about 'Welcome to the Xbox...
Agreed. Aren't maulers brute weapons anyways? If in reach we end up fighting elites again(fingers crossed), they'll probably be taken out, right?...
How does firefight not have a wide variety of guns? **** Zombies has a few classes of weapon with better variants and that's it. Halo has multiple...
tomorrow if im online.
do you have an email? I can send you the guide for now(without pics). Goes well into detail, and some parts might be confusing without the pics.
2 should be fine. Monolith is pretty much done, although I'd like to get a few more tests on it. Oh, and i have ODS3 2.0 in the works as well....
Oh, and plus I still need to finish my 'how to make'' guide.
I was thinking about doing that tomorrow, but tbh I'm just waiting on jakob hunter or someone else to get more of their map done so I can have...
Sorry, I didn't really want to continue the discussion on my map thread. I'm EXTREMELY confused about what you're trying to explain to me. I was...