send me a PM of the pics and what you want in the description, I'll add it to the preview.
Sounds like a great idea, having the actual Vergil and real ODST in the shot sounds perfect. I'd like to be in the game as well when we do this......
No idea. It just needs some cool looking banner though.
Haven't decided on how the maps will be released. Probably going to have them all released sperately with the name Asset: (Name), and then when...
Yes, it can. I'm trying to start an Asset map on Longshore (escape vehicle being a mongoose on a dinghy :D) or one where you actually have to...
It'll be a while before I post it, I'm waiting on the other maps to be finished. Can't go on tonight either, sorry. D:
[IMG] :3 Just thought I'd get it out there..
Updated pics for ONI: Aftermath. Do you see the dinosaur?
Andwhat about implementing some of these ideas for minigames or casuals? Has that crossed anyone's mind yet? Anyways, there's no actual proof yet...
I can't get on xbox tonight, but these changes sounds great, especially the falling rubble. I actually recommend now that you move the spawn...
Wouldnt work in matchmaking, cause everything has to be explained before hands and it also doesn't work when the VIP is AFK. At least in conquest...
Brutes dont have purple armor. Blue is the regular color for brutes. [IMG] If it were elites then maybe I'd change it, but for now I'm leaving it...
I r teh sorry. In other news... the Asset gametype has been replaced a new, better and updated version. These changes are specifically for the...
The Asset gametype has been updated and replaced with a version able to support all Asset based maps. One of the major changes being losing points...
I'm thinking of getting this later, I wish I had preordered it now. After buying and being slightly disappointed by the first game, I thought...
Grif? lol anyways, these pics were taken before the map was finished so that's probably why they look like that. e.g. mancannons showing, ect.
It looks different now, the map has been edited a fair bit since this pic. I'll get an updated picture of the map later, but I personally have to...
I'll be on halo in a few hours if you're online... my brother's getting endure right now.
It's been fixed :3 There's now two ways in, instead of one way tunnel but I'll put the picture in anyways, thanks.