Asset Gametype Explained [IMG] Banner made by Miraj Click here to download Asset V2 BASICS What is Asset? Asset is an 8 minute, 1-sided VIP...
Please keep all Asset discussions in the Asset thread. And there is already a list there. Uplift Reserve has been renamed to Sandstone Plaza,...
That was something I wrote specifically for Protocol... you might want to delete that part and make up your own story. Anyways, I play tested this...
Monolith has been released!
Yeah, this is why I left. :P Also to finish the video for Monolith. Thanks for the comment though.
Old version, there's two ways in. The video was kind of a last minute rush to the finish type thing :\
Asset Map Pack [IMG] Style: Holdout 8-14 players recommended(even teams) Creator: rifte gifle Monolith is the first released map for the Asset...
[IMG] Banner by GunnerGrunt Introduction/Brief History Asset is a gametype with an idea that's gone through much change. It started off when I...
Conquest maps must cover every inch of the playing field. This is so players don't have to stop to capture a territory, thus giving more of a...
Alright, I'll try harder to finish up the damn guide then :P I'm guessing that tonight was the first time you made it to the destination...
Xforgery feature video added! Made by Zachary9990 YouTube- Xforgery Feature - Protocol
:O mmk. invite me next time you're online then.
"This is what the HUD looks like. In the bottom left, you can see your squadmates health and names. Right above the radar shows what perks you are...
I spelled it the exact same way as you >.>
Halopedia = legit. ROFLninja = fail
ROFLninja = fail
NOT ACCEPTING ANY MORE MAPS INTO THE MAP PACK. When I finish with the how to make guide you're welcome to release it as a standalone map....
Bringing back the Halo:CE health? This giant guy looks a lot like [IMG] on the left.
dear lord.