Is this the high-def render?
[IMG] I`ll stop now.
Your point...
"Not quite as well forged, but its still really well done. Sorry I should have described it better." BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
Thanks for reviewing all of the Asset maps :)
Counterfit dollers?
I can get a gameplay video for your map, but I want to wait till you come back to release it. Cars is probably the next one.
Not if theyre done correctly. Ell3ment and gunnergrunts almost always work.
It's released now, dude. Check it out :D
Asset Map Pack [IMG] Style: Escort 8-14 players recommended(even teams) Creator: rifte gifle The 3rd installment of the Asset Map Pack, Last...
releasing last bird out tonight hopefully. Can you write up the 'going green' story and PM it to me? I photoshopped a grunt chieftain as well....
releasing last bird out tonight :3
This. I've only seen them used for VIP/infection games. Not slayer.
"Asset V2" By maxP0095 Check it again.
What did you change about the gametype that you had to put your own version with your name on it?
My list of suggestions 1)More weapons for the covenant (I grabbed a carbine and a spiker while playing a 4v4 today, and when I died 15 seconds...
The solution? Don't have a rerspawn area. If they spawn in their own individual tubes, why do you need a respawn area? Just have respawn points to...
I never got to play test the finished version with you :( Anyways, I'll download this right now and try to get a party going tomorrow. The only...
1)I HATE budget canvases 2)MW2 and the Asset map pack are occupying my current time online, sorry. Good luck anyways.