Hey 5/5 from me nice interlocking, but you should put your description etc... up at the top.
good map you have talent nice interlocking, but some spots like the turret it seems like you cant get up.
Hey Ok looking map 2/5, dont only put two options for the poll because i dont think its great but i dont think it sucks i sugest you put at lease...
Hey Looks like an awsome map 5/5, but i have a suggestion instead off just putting "D.L" some people wont know were to download, i suggest you Put...
Fun Map 5/5 looks like it could be some sorta infection game
Hey Looks like an awsome map I Love all of your other maps. Keep Forging!
Hey amazing first post i cant believe you did all that work on your first post great map 5/5 from me. Keep forging youv got talent kid.
Hey if you get a picture from whatever image host you are using dont copy and paste the ling go to the top where you have edit options (ex....
Awsome Map 5/5 from me....
Kenny how do i put a pic by my name nevermind i got it
Looks like a 4/5 good job....
Hey looks like a 5/5 DL from me for sure. Also you should put in a poll where you can vote if helps the viewers, so when they click your post if...
hey looks like you put some time into it but too plain. Looks like a fun map but no DL, DONT DOUBLE POST!...
I Like it...
Kenny how to i put a picture a little picture that will show up every time i post
Looks like a fun map but no DL, DONT DOUBLE POST!...
Good Map Post a Poll, what i mean is something you can vote on like 1/5 ,2/5...
Looks like a cool map. 5/5 from me. NOTE: you should put a pull on your next map it helps veiwers...