Awsome map 5/5 nice interlocking 5/5. The gamplay looks fun and i like the switch very creative it must of took alot of time KEEP FORGING!
hey awsome map 4/5 i like the design (its cool how you can up on the walls nice brainstorming). Keep Forging!
Hey i love all your tunnel rat maps 5/5 they are very unique, smart, and creative. Keep Forging and map another one.
Looks ok but i doesnt look like gameplay is good 2/5. If it does have good gameplay describe it sofar it looks boring
Looks like a fun map 5/5 nice description very casual, but you should make some cover on the outside of the pyramid
da> da>............ da da da
1 2 3 hooray 4 5 6 today 7 8 9...
u never respond to my...
Hewow my nams Bum Bum
good map 3/5 good description 5/5, too plain of a map.
Awsome map 5/5 good description 5/5 but instead of putting "^^^Linksorz^^^" put download link it helps somepeople are idiots and dont know what it is.
Hey cool map 4/5 but theres no description i know you think slayer games dont have a description, but just put details, good spots, where you came...
Hey Awsome race track 5/5 but dont make your print so big its annoying.
Cool Map 4/5 could of been a 5/5 but i have seen better. Keep Forging!
Hello Kenny Hows your day going?
Hello Blood Fire how are you doing
ok 3/5 Dont forge anymore JK try better next time not trying to be mean.
Awsome map 5/5 Keep Forging! No Tips good desiging map on forgehub 5/5.
Awsome map 5/5 keep Forging. No Tips Perfect designing map on forgehub 5/5.
2/5, cool map but too plain i suggest that you add some stuff.