Kenny i see you on evry post and evry profile
Can i search peoples names on forgehub i want to find someone
looks ok 2/5 not much time put into it at all, very casual but i have seen way better there are no walls at all
1/5 poorly made not a competitve map its a atheticle. too plain just a dump floating in the air not trying to be mean but there are lots of things...
Cool map 5/5 i love the interlocking and the lifts, great job with the jifts you dont move around during the lift you stau completly still while...
Everyone I Need Your Attension im cool
Dont put the link to go to the picture. You have to save ampic off bungie then use a image source (Photobucket is preffured) then upload the pic...
Kenny you have alot of post and view alot of threads and post keep up the good work friend
Looks like a fun map but ok forging 3/5 for map but for thread 2/5 not a good description
Nice map 4/5 i like how you named everything good thread 5/5 looks like a cool map until then Keep Forging!
Hey dont copy and past the ling to your pics just go to the little box where you can change your font and all that stuff and look for the little...
Hey This is the most clever map i have ever seen 5/5, you must of put alot of thought into it 5/5 good switches :)
Looks fun nice interlocking 5/5 gameplay 4/5 I like the bases there cool Keep Forging!
Looks like a really fun map 5/5 nice interlocking 5/5 gamplay 5/5 you scored perfect, i love Capture the Flag maps. I like the middle wall alot,...
looks ok but i cant get a good picture of what it is its to close up 3/5.
Looks Pretty cool 3/5 nice interlocking 5/5 but mlg maps can be better this seems a bit plain in the middle Keep Forging!
4/5 Map This is not a competitive type of map it is a minigame remove and post it in minigame. Ehh actually its a 1/5 gameplay looks bad theres...
Update on New Map (Field of Barrek): Hey guys as you can see i have been forging my map for a while itsjust because i am having some technical...