THIS IS NOT REALISTIC, AMERICANS DO NOT GUARD OUR NATIONS BORDER! No jokes, jk jk. but i do believe this could use some work sir. the whole map...
I'm on right now
1. Acension 2. Blackout 3. Beaver Creek 4. Headlong 5. The Pit 6. Avalanche 7. Waterworks 8. Sanctuary 9. Turf 10. Gemini
the picture is great, i can recall my brother doing this so many times. I then inform him how we're not playing COD
This looks extremely impressive, and until I get a few games in on this, that is all I've got, good job.
did those dudes reply? cause if they dont wait it out, itll be a forfeit for not contacting or replying
For a small map the team play is great, trying this out was really fun but I wouldn't suggest anything more than 3v3. The layout seems perfect in...
check out my new infection, its in my sig
Bungie, has officially taken over the planet.. o.o
original post has been updated****
If you wanna see more, I'll add more screens + a detailed weapons list after school.
[IMG] Jackel Quarry created by, LetalisCarbine9 Welcome to Jackel Quarry home of the teleporter! That's right! You see back in 2067 the...
very much fun trying this out today
Tumeg Falls: Help Wanted [IMG] Tumeg Falls is my new map I'm currently working on. It's currently in very early production and not looking like...
you gotta show me that
Ivory Snake plays timesplitters?? wow.. i just was skimmin through the threads to see if someone thought of making a TS remake and saw that post....
hey alex, the new brackets are posted
lmao, i think that's pretty good considering the fact that The Emperor, Darth Vader, and Luke Skywalker were all playing together. ahha plus...
I'm bored, it's about 9:30 where I'm st, and no body's on. Anybody wanna get some people together and play some custom games? GT: LetalisCarbine9
[IMG] eh? eh? Finally that annoying blonde skank who i knew was a tranny has been silenced xD I killed Hannah Mantana FTW!