pure genious, all three videos edit; I want another one.
oh my, I must say I was into racing for a only lil but I think this revived my taste. the layout of the track is beautiful and the name graciously...
I have no clue where to post to apply, so ima' like message you-here. "I'd like to apply :D I'm 15, my GT; LetalisCarbine9"
Well let me start with this, downloading this game will guarantee about a days worth of fun for a first timer. This was truly one of thee most...
yea i kinda wanna avoid that, halo's my favorite this ban just bites -.- but at least they know it's working, i mean 60,000? that's genious
true lol well it's not like i play anything else besides this and rock band 2, so i can start skilling up in lone wolves
thats one retarded thing to do in the first place edit; idk i doubt im gonna leave anyway, I was just seriously pissed at how all these people...
ok no ****, got the point. obviously done with this site after i realized how many dicks were here. all i've got for feedback to one question was...
lol it wasn't exp boosting it was achievements, notice ii played like no more dlc after that. either this whole system sucks **** edit; i asked...
I'm already banned, this is absoutely lame. I'm gonna have to wait til november to get 7 on 7 and until the tenth of october to put a dent into a...
Tomorrow from about 2:00 EST til 10:00 PM EST I'll be playing Halo all day. I plan to get 2 more people that don't weigh the whole party down...
read the goddamn post before making a comment, this is a 1v1 for the final say. and please don't make a shout out, or I'll report for spam
sign me up please that is if I wasn't added to the party roster
Easy, go to a photosharing website like Photobucket.com and sign up (its free and simple) then easily upload the pics from your computer to your...
Bro, check this out Forging Sense A new gowing Halo community, escaping the fall of FH. Once we reach 200 membes we can get off the gound.
Well, I thought it would be fair if we had til the end of the week to get the match in regardless of what was going on, apparently my partner was...
well I was grounded alld ay today but I just got undgrounded so we could do some work now i suppose
so we out of the contest now? that was, second loss
dude, we sumbitted a forfeit cause you dont have a gold account??? no fair go check the 2v2 im pissed -.-
thanks for all that, I have to be honest I just threw in 1 flag to try out the asymmetric properties, it only had about 4 games of test so, idk....