couldnt tell ay, ask shock
3 waves per round, 5 rounds per set, endless sets. Ill be updating info on the bonus round and Rally Point later tonight hopefully
"relations" using natal? thats pretty funny. yeh, i definitely button mashed the **** outta F2, I hope they really layer on the complexity to...
that does look pretty badass. ill probably get it when i get some free time
if shenanigans = logic, then sure. anyway, moving on
i dint say you werent entitled to your opinions, im just inplying that when you say you don't like it, youre just talking out of your ass because...
you cant say that cause you havent use the magnum yet
trust me, the magnum is hawt ****. like for reals, you wont miss the BR one bit
nope no BRs in ODST. The magnum is win though.. i know.. i used it :)
it doesnt spawn at start
Mine as well. Squid's now the author of my two favorite skybubble maps (the other is Avarice).. and I've seen maps you guys haven't yet :) Its...
[IMG] By Creep1ng De4th Recommended Players: 1v1 Recommended Gametype: Conflict Forgehub 1v1 Conflict - Round 2 (Losers Bracket)...
i like this guy already. welcome.
This will not be turning into a discussion of tournament features. Keep you comments regarding the map only from here on out please. Failure to do...
Id be lying if I said that seeing the Rockets, Laser, and Missile Pod all lining the midline of the map isn't getting pretty old. It'd be nice to...
who gives a **** if its already been made! Its not like he's claiming to be the founder in the slightest. He's just posting a switch he made. Get...
Post something like this in Halo Forge Discussion
i dont know whats more funny, you being so ninja, or your dumbass opponents. great vid
no idea lol. those were both of their first posts in months