They are affiliates. You can become one too, but you have to get like a thousand views a day or some ****.
Indeed it does. Very well done my good sir.
=D Thanks.
lol, noty
While I respect everyone's constitutional right to speak their voice...Some people will just never be happy. If you all will seriously consider...
;D thanks.
We seem to be having trouble with goldbrick. We're working on the problem guys. Omg, don't let your back go out on you. It's not worth it.
Indeed. Make a thread in the staff section.
Holy ****... In all my days of FH'in' I've never seen that.
I shalt ever judge sir pegasi. Also, ya, I posted the thread, saw the video just fine. Came back after about 3 posts, and saw it was broken. Did...
...I can see it working just fine... wtf?!
*hands peg a napkin while shaking his head*
Don't come to Rockford. You'll get shot. ...Not really (i hope), but you'll be bored out of your ****ing skull.
Fixed. And to the guy who thinks I'm sexy: Thanks.
Man...I wish I could get a plane ticket, but you know, that whole "can't leave the state" thing...and no money...but you know.
Ahhhhhh my mouth is ****in watering...You *****.
Moon Waffle Created By: Devinish Gametypes Supported: All standard gametypes Recommended Gametypes: CTF, Slayer, Assault Recommended...
Sorry, every try I've had with it, I've had herbage. =/ I should try the solo hash experience someday.
Ah, I don't know why I didn't think of that...Makes sense... There is nothing wrong with hash btw. Be happy hombre.
No, Peg =/= > then I, but yes, he does have that to rub in my face... The dirty bastard. And english =/= bri'ish, or whatever...I lack the care...