Im not sure I understand what you mean.
Lol. Bullshit quote.
Keep this in mind.
Help in what manner? You don't have the ability to infract, you don't have the ability to edit posts. All you can do is ***** at the people who...
There are people already like this. They are called guardians.
I'm fine with that. Though it's a retarded name in my opinion.
Relatives are not allowed here either.
It ****s with the disc drive, and suffocates one crucial air vent.
1. Coolers suck air out of the console, not really cooling it well. A waste of $30+. 2. Cooler may blow air that should be escaping BACK into the...
Coolers are not a good idea IMO.
My 360 is isolated, and is laying flat. No air vents are covered. Standing the 360 up is the worst thing you can do to it, besides beating it with...
If that's the lowest size, then yes. I have the first model version of the 360. No red ring yet.
I have the lowest HD space version made, however many gigs that is (too lazy to look). A new HD would be nice, but online deals are cynical to me.
Besides, the prospect of recon's value diminishing will skyrocket once it is obtainable through ways of achievements, and not just rewards by...
Recon is for the weak.
I hope you are not tied into Fox news bud.
I believe murder should be legalized just for the sake that my neighbor stole my wrench.
Your absence has resulted in me contracting cancer. Speak good man.