Okay this rumor is kinda of correct, in the way that the rumor was slightly different. The story was, finish Halo3 you get the ending Finish Halo3...
You do all know that they said in a Bungie update that this map is NOT a remake and is brand new?...
I agree with Arch3m, the SP was pretty good... Though it didn't keep me to play it all the way through, I got up to about the second last level...
Oh hai, my msn is -blam-!@hotmail.com My skype is reynbow-fh If you ever wanna talk dirty or something
I know right! Tex, you being my sex slave and this whole RRoD Laptop thing is coming between our sexual relations... Grrr... Maybe I could just...
That you shall never know!! =D Muahahaha Well thankyou =] I like teh praise from teh peoplez =]
Is it just me or does the Published: October 6, 2007 part of this picture put a bit of doubt in the integrity of this having anything to do with...
Yeah I live in Brisbane, I gotta send it to somewhere in Sydney... No idea where exactly, some place called "Chullora" But yeah, I'm hoping it...
I'm sending my Xbox into Microsoft tomorrow to fix my RRoD, I saw some videos showing how to fix the RRoD by taking the X-Clamps off al together...
I think he wants more then just those two maps... It was just an example... I tried to google but didn't really find anything helpfull, though I...
I can't see how come so many people think this game "looks amazing" It looks like a pile 'o' crap... It's a shitty MMO, it looks horrible, the...
Lol well you said I didn't, just telling you I did, only 3 hours previous to him =P
Dumbass =] I did so tell you, when I did Nicks sig =] That quotes timestamp = Today, 02:55 AM Novak's Timestamp = Today, 05:44 AM I win =]
Yeah Sticky, listen to Ivory for he is wise =] And Sticky, I was the one that toled you that xD Lol... Dumbass =P
No worries at all, glad you like it, you certainly didn't give me any specifics xD
Glad you like it Sticky =] You know you don't have the picture linking to your map right? Here we go Nick, I hope you like it =] Avatar if you...
You forgot to add, how much attention to detail I put into the OP =D This map is getting more attention then most maps posted woot =D
Lolz nub... That's all I have to say... Nub, oh check out my sig btw
I hardly think the big bang theory was "nothing exploded and now we live" I'm pretty sure that the scientist that originally came up with the...
And after all that how could anyone think humans are the only sentient life? God shmod. Dissprooven =]