You fail at everything that is possible to fail at, you even fail at failing!
Yeah I'm hoping it wont be that long, especially seeing how I read in the link they gave me in the E-Mail that it takes about 2-3 working days to...
Hahaha, you speak as if I care xD
Well I sent my 360 off to MS on Monday and today (Thursday, 29 May 12:17PM) I got the E-Mail notifying me of the receival of it; Good news, we...
Lolz you fail Sticky, I'm not even trying... xD
Definitely have to add this to an update, lag is 99% of the reason I don't play MatchMaking. It's just not fun because I can't get a legitimate...
I noticed you said that you have already tried clearing the cache on your HDD using the Y, X, X, LB, RB, X, X method. Have you re-downloaded the...
Is it just me or does the "render" in this sig look like an action figure, like an actual doll?
Wahh, this slow net keeps making me double post =[
Lol the Bunnies will forever be an inside joke =] The lines are a simple custom pattern, though I'm sure you can download it somewhere. The way...
My guess would be to put Game Variants in Halo Discussion, in Game discussion. This is ForgeHub, meaning a place for Forgers, so there is no...
An accident, so if a Mod want's to delete this please do. And way to ignore it Sushi...
Lolz well I have and am having a week "off" so yeah =P
Using brushes on top of each other with different types of blend layers. For Projects one I used a light blue pastel colour with and overlay...
Err, circle crap? Example of it? Lol... I'm not sure what you're referring to
I like the Yoda sig you have, it's simple and appealing. The only thing I would say about it that could improve it would be to make it smaller,...
Ignore/delete this please
I was just wondering something about your problem, the GamerTag you are using to play in MatchMaking or Custom games, is this the one you used to...
No idea when, all I know is I sent it off on Monday =P
Nah it's to do with my internet, it's at dial up speed untill next month