Oh Tooch the photos I used in the sig I shopped up a bit, so here is the shopped version of it. I wasn't going to use the B&W one at first and...
Lmao Thanks Ivory, my new sig is actually an old sig revamped =P But yeah 'tis cool =] The one I made for Toochie is awesomeness =]
Basically because we were kinda talking about it in the Shoutbox. Show me more speeches with such excellent use of words, I want to see moar!...
For some reason you have something against me? Didn't realise you could delete posts. No forum I have been to before lets you.
Lol I guess that's one way to "sell" your product
Ivory, Apple Seed is such a cool movie =D I made Tooch a sig so updated front page =] [IMG]
Here you go Tooch, or is it Shaz? [IMG] [IMG]
Lol yeah apparently. What a nub lolz
Lol Strider... Of course, in that video apparently, I haven't watched it yet (Slow net) will watch it on the first...
Ummm no I don't remember this? But okay =] Well that doesn't work... Lol But like I said when the warranty runs out then I will be pulling out...
The only female I've really talked to here is named Toochie =]
Haha it's pretty cool. I saw it on another post you made and thought that I should make one like it. The only problem is that you're using gif so...
6 stone = 38.1017591 kilograms Yeah using the BMI is a bad thing, BMI is so inaccurate it's funny to even think people still use it. Seriously go...
Mmm yeah, sorry I couldn't figure out what the hell is going on ... Lol Have you tried asking on the BNet forums?
Oh wow that sucks, sounds like you haven't sent it... OR it got lost in the mail... lolz... I got insurance on it for getting lost in the mail...
This would have been fine if you credited it... But you didn't... Nice work... =\
I agree Nemi, I plan on getting a liquid cooling system into my 360 when the Warranty is dead. For now I just make sure it's well ventilated and,...
Okay well that is one of the most ridiculous, if not ignorant, posts I have ever read... You're just completely disregarding any evidence to say...
There is a 100 item limit in Forge, the only thing you can do is to delete objects you don't particularly want/need and place more important items.
Well here we are, someone find out how to glitch Forge Mode so you can place items past the budgets restrictive limit. This glitch has been...