How "atomic" of you =] This looks pretty nice, only things I would suggest is not to go overboard with the glowing lines and and to use a less...
I like it very much, the only thing I would suggest is to use a sharpen filter on it and use some clearer font =D But other then that it's very...
If you don't know the measurement don't comment on it. Just because someone else does something wrong, doesn't mean you can join in too. Even if...
Honestly the music from the Halo series, specifically Halo:CE has got to have to pretty damn good and iconic music to it. Everyone knows it when...
Well thank you very much for the examples =] I want to try Patapong, but seeing how it's a PSP game and i only want a 360 doesn't look like I'll...
I don't understand you people, how is 38kgs/84lbs fat? You're all completely missing the point of this, the game uses an extremely flawed and...
Lolol, this is a great video, it is a couple years old though, what year are you living in playahater? =P
Very nice, practice makes perfect. I've used PaintShop before and it seemed very... I dunno, stiff? I don't know how to describe it. Hard to...
Lolololsoisoisoi, I know this is way off topic, but that made me laugh out so damn loud =D
Yeah that PSDTUTS is a good place, though lately I've found that not using tuts has made me better, figuring things out myself do the job better....
Yeah, practice practice practice =D Have you tried the site on the OP? There's some pretty decent tutorials, some shitty ones too xD
Lol Ivory calm down, however I do agree... When I eventually get 1000 it wont feel any different to 200... The only difference seems to be the...
Lololol well thanks, I was flattered to hear that he decided to steal it. One question though, if it's good enough to be stolen why isn't it...
The problem with the realism is true in how you said it. Nobody cared, as in past tense. But now with the technology there to be able to make it...
Only 4 good consoles =] 1 - 360 2 - Xbox 3 - Dreamcast 4 - SNES
Lol that's kay, it's not the most well known map. A cult favorite though =D
He's going around spamming for no reason NECROing threads... It's annoying! REPORT! Why did you say sorry on the OP? Lol... I only just noticed xD
It resizes it itself... The max width is 500px...
I only like the top two, the bottom don't appeal to me =\ Except, Linu, you should be making them at intended sig size (Like I've said before)...
Never bought skate., but I can see myself buying skate2. It's a good skating game, TH is definitely dead. People want realism and quality...