Tooooo Be a NINJA! no joke, thats what there for.
Nothing Special, Some looks pretty good though. work on angles a little.
The map looks great, It looks really clean and it would have good gameplay, one thing i would do maybe is just change the health to invulnurable...
A spawn point. The pic looks really good, sorta like a theater screen.
YouTube - Cottonelle Commercial
Spit Pop*
David poured ashley,his,deanna's and justices spit poop all over justin.. ****ing bitches.
Shops closing, wwell PM you your sigs later on.
Yeah, dont jack his style man. the sig looks good though. nice colours.
One signature per person.
You-you white people seem to think every little wound, injury and/or pain needs medical attention. Thats legit.
that wall, would become a face. Night elves? **** youu .
i dont liek the red on kittys face ):
camofo, image that kid flip out?
i accually, honestly think that was real. i used to scream like that, to get attention and try to make my parents feel bad, i never shoved **** in...
Thats some exorsist **** right there my friend.
No, nevermind i fail. Forget i even said anything please.
ive never been on hotty mcbloggy. ill look, and see if i should attempt.
I was thinking pluginfiend, that wasnt too impressive, but it was affiliated. nevermind then.
remember the blog thing i was talking about? what do i need to do to apply? just send you the link? and what attributes should it have? Should i...