It Looks like you put a ton of effort into building this map, all the Scenery looks good, i like how were you have the hill in the one shot, but...
Wow... Just Wow...
Agree'd, Better music would be nice.
Looks good, a bit long though, and a bit blurry,
Yes please. maybe give the link to some of the people you know that take screenshots?
[IMG] This is Forgehubs Screenshot of the Week, An Equivilent to the Signature of the Week in the GnA, Accept Pictures. If this goes well, i...
R.I.P, never woulda thought eh? The pic is accually pretty funny, accept, the head in the arm choppyness.
[spoiler][IMG][/spoiler] Any good?
I could give you the basics. Go to avalanche, to the lift room, you'll see too little lines, they're in the pic too, you put what you want on...
o/ on the motivational. Maybe get rid of the border though.
Okay, Thanks im making a Banner Right Now.
Send me your best pieces and ill talk to natu..