Thanks, But i thought posts don't count in GnA?
go on msn, i dunt want to pm.
Doni.. Rabbit, another thing is that i wouldnt say its reflex's, i personaly think its luck accually. /endspamnao
Hmm. Mongoose if i have a sniper, warthog if i want a spree.
Ever think it would be cool if we could d a little video editing on halo, like, we could edit our clips? nothing huge, maybe just like, fading and...
The Mongoosness, And Rabbit, its good but like what natu said, not HD worthy
Yeah, Thanks for the submissions guys.
Its driving... not douching. Troll. Lock?
Im sorry to say this, but 13 seconds of HD wouldn't make any difference. you wasted the gift that bungie has given us.
Squirel Cannons For the win. Natu showed me these a while back. They still make me lol though.
lock? our old shop. ^ Delete if possible?
Thats cool.
i dont want help to finish, i dont want to do it, i was jsut gunna reccomend it to you.
Myspace.. but its probably just because im young black and rich. jokes. but yeah, i prefer myspace.
im forgin tho, ill be on xbl
i was just wondering if you wanted to finish a track i was begining to make, i don't want to know though.
JIMP that map looks amazing.
Go to off topic.
Do the Turret Glitch...
Yeah, you would need to be close with bungie staff. like insane for example, im sure he would have a shot at getting requim in MM