Furthermore to the New Haven resetting chests tip: I also always load it up in Splitscreen with a second controller playing as the same character...
Actually it does explain why there are a load of murdering bandits on the planet. The quest (2 quests, if you wanna get technical) when you're...
You need to delete the brown wall that is through the gap, between the two doors. To do this you need to use the barrel to extend your reach....
The barrels were blocking a receiver; you change the channel on the sender you used earlier to get there, now that you've unblocked the receiver....
Well, first of all I would delete the single box in that room, it's blocking a receiver that acts as a checkpoint. Now you can save the map at any...
nu-uh. You add me on XBL and then I may or may not ignore it and I may or may not help you. Kthxbai
Then I suggest you touch up on your Forging 101 knowledge. For example This Article may help you with the turret room. Besides that, there...
Guys, if any of you get stuck just hit me up with a PM or message over XBL. I will respond and give you appropriate advice, which will range from...
Yes, you're totally right, using something else that is illegal as a valid reason to not legalise something totally unrelated makes perfect sense....
Wait what? I've been Premium for ages. I already had two features before Paratroxity - I was featured for Re on Carnation (The first puzzle map...
No, you won't ;)
I think that Paratroxity doesn't really count because there were so many authors.
That is correct, that's exactly that I did. The hard part was devising a contraption that prevented you getting passed the first room if you did...
nice one
I guess us Brits will just have to downl--er--hope for an international release. >.> <.< Does look interesting though. All this mockumentary...